Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time Table Generator

Buisnes Case
The manual system of preparing time table in colleges with large number of students is very time consuming and usually ends up with various classes clashing either at same room or with same faculties/teachers having more than one classes at a time. These are just due to common human errors which are very difficult to prevent in processes such as these. To overcome these problems people usually end up making injudicious use of classrooms and labs.

To overcome all these problems we propose to make an automated system.

The project aims at developing an automated time table generator .This system will take various inputs like details of students, subjects and class rooms and teachers available, depending upon these inputs it will generate a possible time table, making optimal utilization of all the rooms and labs and distributing classes in a way that will best suit any of constraints or college rules. List of subjects may include electives as well as core subjects.

Scope Statement
Use Case Diagram
Network Diagrams
Quality Policy
Quality Plan
Test Plan

All these Documents are Prepared and can be downloaded from :
