Friday, April 29, 2011

Cosmos Dragon PC Has Built-in LCD Display

With its front cover closed, the Cosmos Dragon PC looks like your standard case mod. Once you slide the cover down, this custom-built computer greets you with a built-in LCD. Other features include: a 3GHz AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition CPU, dual MSI Radeon HD 4870 1GB graphics cards, and 8GB of OCZ DDR2 1,066MHz memory.

The result is a mod that is so extensive it completely covers the underlying Coolermaster Cosmos S case, has a custom water cooling reservoir and even a custom water block top, not to mention custom sliding front doors and a custom side panel.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Copy your movie on a USB stick from a Netflix Kiosk

It’s rather apparent that the old video rental store model just isn’t working in today’s world. With companies like Hollywood Video and Blockbuster going under (the latter isn’t completely dead just yet, but it is getting there), I wonder how many years we’ll still see this type of business. The three biggest alternatives are discs by mail (Netflix), streaming video (also Netflix, Hulu, etc) and rental kiosks (RedBox, Blockbuster). One company is hoping to get in on the latter, with a twist.

How would you feel about going to a kiosk and renting a movie, loading it up on a USB flash drive and taking it home? Tha’ts what Flix on Stix is aiming for. They want to slap a movie on your USB flash drive (or sell you one) and program it to automatically disable playback after a set amount of time. Their rates certainly aren’t bad with $1 for 3 days, $2 for 6, $3 for 9 days and $4 for 12 days being talked about.

The good side is that you wouldn’t have to worry about late fees or remembering to take back the movie to one of those kiosks. On the other hand, there are some major concerns. The biggest of these being the amount of time it will take to copy a movie over to a flash drive. What kind of compression are they going to use for the movies? How large will the files be? More importantly, how long am I going to have to stand there and wait for the movie to copy over?

They are going to equip each station with USB 3.0, so if you happen to have shelled out some big bucks for such a drive, you’ll see significantly faster copy times. However, most people won’t have one of these. Also, how many people have a computer hooked up to their TV? Yes, the tech-savvy crowd is more likely to have one, but what about the average consumer? Few of my family and non-geeky friends even see a point in such a setup.

I think that this particular type of venture is a bit ahead of its time, just because of the technological issues outlined above. Unfortunately, I think by the time USB 3.0 is more prominent, and more people have ways to playback these movies on their TVs, streaming will have all but taken over the market.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Creating Sub categories in Blogger

OK, Before anyone of you start

and make sure this is what you want.

Now, when you place your curser on Naruto

hyperlink there is : :?max-results=12

look at the part Naruto :

when you click on Naruto label you will see all it characters
in the box just below it, that is what i meant by sub categories

But to implement this you must know JavsScript, i will paost code if i get time, i was hoping bloggers will not need it, as google(blogger/blogspot) will eventually inplement this feature and provide it as basic feature to all bloggers.

well anyway:

All the subcategories will be

CategoryA : Sub-Category01
CategoryA : Sub-Category02
CategoryA : Sub-Category03

CategoryB : Sub-Category01
CategoryB : Sub-Category02
CategoryB : Sub-Category03

now the trick is using [space]:[space]

in the label widget modify the widget, as it will read URL and see if there is "CategoryA :" present in URL
and only display lables with "CategoryA :" in it, but remove the part "CategoryA :" from it and only Sub-Category01, Sub-Category02, Sub-Category03 will be be displayed.

hope you understood what i am trying to say. you must know JavaScript to implement this, dont worry it is easy, and it will surely help you if you learn it now, and it is funniest and interesting language i had ever learned.

if you don't get it, too bad, but i will try to write and explain whole code if i get time, soon.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Top 8 Google Adsense Earners

Are your curious to know who some of the biggest Google Adsense earners are? I know that I was interested to know who the best are so I could check out their websites and see how I could possibly earn as much money as these people do. I realized from most of these sites that sites with user generated content usually ranked pretty highly for Google Adsense earners. It seems that these “community” type sites do tend to get a lot of traffic and we all know that traffic = money. So without any more delay here are a list of the top 8 Google Adsense earners as collected from online resources.

1. Markus Frind – – $300,000 per month

If you haven’t heard of this guy yet you should check out the website He is the person who created this free online dating website from his appartment all by himself. His website soon become one of the largest dating websites online. I have actually tried out his website myself and can see how it can be interesting and attract a lot of visitors. The graphics and layout of the website is nothing fancy at all but the functionality is all there and its fast to use.

There have been many of doubts that he wasn’t making that much money so he made those people silent by posting this on his blog. According to his blog this represented two months worth of Adsense earnings.

2. Kevin Rose – – $250,000 per month

Kevin Rose started in December 2004. It is a social marketing site that is mostly news, video, and pictures that are submitted by users for other users to read about and view. Basically what happens is you can signup for an account and you can submit a “news story” and other people can view it and if they like it they can “Digg it” and this boosts the rating of the post. If it gets enough Diggs it will appear on the Frontpage of the site and will get tons of traffic. Digg has both Google Adsense ads and Federated Media ads. It is estimated that he earns roughly $250k a month from Adsense alone.

3. Jeremy Schoemaker – $140,000 per month

ShoeMoney is considered to be one of the greatest Internet Marketers out there. He is very good with search engines and knows how to setup his sites to get optimal traffic to them. In one of his best months with Google Adsense ShoeMoney earned $132,994.97. You can imagine it was probably pretty difficult for him to cash a check of that size!

Unlike most of the other Google advertisers ShoeMoney makes his money from hundreds of sites and thousands of domains.

4. Jason Calacanis – Weblogs, Inc. – $120,000 per month

Jason Calacanis is the creator of Weblogs. Weblogs is a network of blogs and it was apparently making roughly $4,000 a day from Google Adsense! He eventually sold the company to AOL for a reported $25 million. He also announced his retirement from blogging earlier this year (July 2008). He is now focusing on his email campaigns instead.

5. David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard – $100,000 per month

According to a Washington Post article these 20 year old’s claim to be making $100,000 a month from their site which offers free Myspace templates. That is pretty impressive for a couple of young guys that are offering free Myspace templates!

6. Tim Carter – – $30,000 per month

Tim Carter is a licensed master plumber and carpenter with his own radio show. He started his website up in 1995 with his primary focus to cater to an avid following of fellow builders on the site. In April 2004, Carter learned about Adsense for content sites and he put it on his site. With minimal effort and time he optimized his website and his Adsense earnings grew from $1,500 to $7,500.

There was a Google case study done on Tim Carters earnings with Google Adsense. You should definately read it by clicking HERE. Read the results section because it gives a bunch of helpful tips on how he increased his revenue with Google Adsense.

7. Joel Comm – e-book – $24,000 per month

Joel Comm is a get rich quick guru. He wrote an e-book, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with Adsense. With his e-book and his website he earned $23,458.46 between Nov 2005 and Dec 2005. Check out his Google account stats here.

8. Shawn Hogan – – $10,000 per month

Shawn Hogan is the creator of the forum DigitalPoint. This forum is a very usual forum with lots of information about: Search Engines, Marketing, Business, Design & Development, and Products & Tools. In a New York Times article it stated that he was making roughly $10k a month with Google Adsense.

The members of his forum speculate he is now making around double of what he was making in 2005 when this report was published in the New York Times.

So there you have it, the Top 8 Google Adsense earners. This list might be slighty out of date and there could be some new people in this list but this is the list I was able to pull from collecting information on the net. So check out these sites and see if you can strive to earn as much as these people do with your website or blog.